Horse Project

Whether you grew up with horses or simply have always loved them from afar, you can learn a lot in the horse project! This project offers activities in horsemanship, horse development and training. You can compete with your horse through breed and event associations. Or you can be the judge as you learn to compete in horse judging!

Guidelines, project resources and more available at Texas 4-H Horse Project page

Galveston County Horse Shows

County horse shows provide a fun and competitive environment where youth demonstrate their horsemanship and horse training skills. Along with testing the skills of both the horse and rider, these county shows provide your child the opportunity to meet and interact with other horse enthusiast in the area.

Check out our Galveston County 4-H Horse Show Rules

Each year the Galveston County Horse Committee will host several competitive horse shows along with educational clinics.

Galveston County Horse Quiz Bowl

Quiz bowl is an opportunity to demonstrate all of the information you have gained through the past year through this project. This is a contest that will help your child learn more about his or her project while getting the opportunity to compete. It is a team event where you compete against another team and whoever buzzes in first, gets to answer the question. Various contests available, including District and State.

District & State Horse Events

The District & State Horse Shows are a great way for you to take the next step in your horsemanship career. Galveston County 4-Hers must qualify to attend District and/or State Horse Show. See Galveston County 4-H Horse Show rules for qualification info.

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