Walk Across Texas

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Walk Across Texas! is a free program to help people start moving more and establish physical activity as a lifetime habit. Participating in Walk Across Texas! with people you know is a great way to help you keep going when you feel like quitting. The distance across Texas is 832 miles. Teams work together and individually to accumulate enough miles to equal the trek across Texas. This means each team member will aim to walk 12-14 miles per week or 30 minutes a day at least 5 times a week. You don’t have to just walk, you can bike, run, garden or do many other activities to make that time count as miles. After Walk Across Texas! ends, you can continue walking by yourself to see how long it takes you to walk across the entire state of Texas.


Participate in Walk Across at any time by signing up at Howdy Health website link: https://howdyhealth.org/ Or participate in our annual County WAT program every Spring!

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